Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Mover 'n' Shaker??

Take this test at Tickle

You're a Mover 'n' Shaker!

You're a Mover 'n' Shaker. You're full of nervous energy — the more stressed you feel, the more you feel the urge to move. Taking a run or doing some jumping jacks is a great way to burn off physical tension instead of letting it build up. Or you may find that your body kicks into high gear automatically — fidgeting and foot tapping are often signs of internalized, otherwise-unexpressed stress.

Staying active is an important way to help your body handle stress — but not if you use activity as a way of escaping your problems. There's a difference between taking a walk to mull over a stressful issue or decision and heading out for a long run just when you should be sticking around to take care of business. Excessive nervous activity, too — constant restless movements, doodling, etc. — can also take away some of your focus and make you less-effective at dealing with stress. Stay aware of your body, and don't forget to enlist your mind, too.

What's Your Stress Style?

Brought to you by Tickle

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