Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tscc youth camp 2008 - pulau ubin

been "out of" Singapore over the weekends and monday.. finally back.. yeh!
Thank God everything went thru smoothly.. in spite of the rain..
we know that some things are not according to what the organizer planned.. but, the programs went on well in the end! i'm sure the youth had learn a lesson or two. =)

I admit that i was very doubtful abt about my brother's safety for this trip in the beginning.. as in my previous experience, ubin isn't a very "safe" place.. esp for my brother's situation... in my mind, i disagree with him attending this camp.. ok.. ya we are sometimes too protective... hmmm.. we came up with come idea that maybe we can bring him home earlier, not needing to complete the whole 3 days.. but then, deacon yangkeng reminded us.. that if we do that, it'll not be very healthy for this mentality while growing up.. yes, totally agree... then plus think james really wanted to go for this camp.. why stop him.. moreover, our timings seems planned for... mi sis can go over sat morning.. then i can join them later, and my off days are mondays.. so i can stay to look after..
Thank you for all your prayers, i know there are ppl out there praying for james, praying for the camp also.. Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ, in one way or another looking after him. Thank God for listening to our prayers. yup, God's grace is always sufficient!

I've learned to have more faith in God, instead of depending only on human intelligent..
"now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." Ephesians 4:8

more to add.... my thighs are aching like mad now!!!!.. ahhh... 3 days of long cycling!.. ah!!! ya loh.. i have to exercise more loh.. but i doubt so i will... haa
Thank God that i have manage the 3 days also! with my this kind of "always dun exercise, lazy body".. its simply amazing to have manage the cyclings!!