Wednesday, September 30, 2009

wish came true! =D

my wish of seeing No Doubt live came true! considered an early bd gift! =DDDDD
thanks to mi sistaaa... she got free tix from her colleague on the day itself! was so excited 'inside' when she sms me... haa.. (was working or something.. couldn't show i was excited lah... )

n also!.. thanks to ah mund i can go to the first day of F1 rocks too! (free tix too! keke~)
thou the sound system for the first day screw up big time... the sound was sooo not balance.. either the vocals too loud.. or drums too loud.. etc etc.. soda green sang halfway.. the system went "blank".. dunno short circuit or what.. waited for too long for jacky cheung (cos setting up sound system again) n left early.. abit disappointed lah.. but on the whole the artistes were great =P
i am not very into soda green, but surprisingly they impressed me most.. =)
ah mei was great! again but the sound was letting her down.. n ya.. i missed jacky =(.. i was told n saw his rocker style thou.. soo cool! i tot most ppl would be kinda disappointed to see him as a rocker cos he is known for his ballads? but i like it! hee

Jacky new rocker style.. hee

ok back to No Doubt! they rocksss!
i just found out that i have the same bd as gwen! haa..
difference is the age lah... i still can't believe that she is 40 this year...
which mean they are all over 40 already! cannot believe it! they are so energetic on stage.. inspirational! =D
found some clips online... the crowd went wild when gwen jump down the stage! too bad the video didn't get her climbing up the fence..
i think they sang more then 10 songs!! 1hr plus plus of No Doubt.. =P

just a girl

opening.. spiderweb (i missed the front part of the song.. thanks for the video!)

bathwater(sean: see the interlude of this song.. try to do that! haa)

don't speak (practically the audience singing =P)

close the session with my fav song! sunday morning~~
(careful.. this video is crazily shaky.. haa)

notice Adrian is wearing only briefs.. or izzit swimming trunks?
haa.. that is his usual "costume"!

Tony, Gwen, Tom, Adrian

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Indie Hooray~

20092009 a memorable date.. Indie Hooray 2009!
Thanks to Mr Yet Dunhong for the invitation n organizing the show!
as said.. this was a v stressful gig for me.. but thank God everything went well!
special thanks to TaKai for helping us to play the drums =P
thanks to zw, hy, pr, jake n neo for coming down to support! =)))

takai, me, sean, siling, yet, matthew quek


next project for Rzp will be an unplugged performance at SAM..
details will be up soon!
after which.. i guess we will be concentrating on composing our new songs with our new lineup..
yeh.. stay tuned***

Monday, September 28, 2009

Perfect Suffering (Our Daily Journey)

Read : Hebrews 2:9-18

Prosperity preachers don’t last long in countries where there is persecution. They usually just leave.” That quote by Ajith Fernando from his book The Call to Joy and Pain captures two realities of the Christian faith: (1) Jesus suffered; (2) those who believe in Him will suffer too.

Unlike “health and wealth” false teachers, Jesus taught that suffering was something God uses for our good. In Hebrews 2:10, the writer states that Jesus became “through His suffering, a perfect leader.” This doesn’t mean that Jesus wasn’t already perfect, for He is God the Son. It does point out, however, that death allowed Him to intimately know the final stage of human experience—giving Him an even more perfect ability to identify with our struggles (5:8).

The apostle Paul experienced the perfecting process of pain. He prayed three times for God to remove something that was tormenting him. But God allowed it to persist, saying, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). Paul’s response? “That’s why I take pleasure in . . . [suffering] for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong” (v.10).

Jesus is able to identify with us and help us because of the hardships He endured. “Since He Himself has gone through suffering and testing, He is able to help us when we are being tested” (Hebrews 2:18). He “understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same testings we do” (4:15).

Are you experiencing suffering? Don’t fight against it as one who has no hope. Don’t believe the lies of false teachers who wrongly say, “You simply need more faith to overcome your struggles.”

Instead, embrace your suffering as a gift from God—being used to perfect you and your faith in Him (12:2).

What is God teaching you through your suffering? How can you experience joy and victory even as you’re going through hard times?


wanted to update some stuffs.... but my mum juz spoil the mood..... maybe later..
so irritated..........................! -_-!

sometimes i really feel upset n stress up to have no support from family members of what i do or want to do.. that's y i'm always at a confuse position of "to do or not to do?".. "should i should i not?" n actually have v bad temper at home.. (pray to God that i can control my temper more at home..)haiz... ok.. maybe they are not the kind that opposed strongly, out loud kind.. but i can always feel the.. tension.. when we at a some topics or arguments..

sorry for the ranting..

anyway.. be thankful if u have a supportive family..
u can't imagine the stress to go thru without one.. =''=

Monday, September 14, 2009


didn't know she is a christian.. inspiring character.. =)

70年代後期以民歌歌手的身分進入演藝圈。初出道時蔡琴被社會大眾認為其外貌並不出色 ,但是她的嗓音低沉溫柔,極具有特色。曾經演唱《讀你》、《恰似你的溫柔》、《最後一 夜》、《你的眼神》等歌曲都曾風靡一時,而有「絲絨歌后」之美稱。

自 1998年起,蔡琴與果陀劇場合作而踏入歌舞劇領域,演出《天使不夜城》,該劇並曾至中國大陸巡演。2003年演出改編自《茶花女》的歌舞劇《情盡夜上海》,在該劇中她演唱多首國語老歌。2005年她演出另一齣改編自電影《修女也瘋狂》的歌舞劇《跑路天 使》,再度贏得觀眾喜愛。
近年來蔡琴在巡迴演唱會上更有亮眼的成績。無論大陸、香港、台灣,甚至是歐美國家,無 不開出紅盤。
「蔡琴」不只是一位唱紅無數經典、紅遍華人世界的國寶級女歌手,「蔡琴」更儼然成為一個音樂品牌,只要推出音樂作品必屬佳作,情感流露細緻深刻,製作嚴謹的音樂品質更是華語樂壇絕無僅有讓發燒友都讚嘆!2009年,蔡琴帶來了全新力作「愛像一首歌」,熟悉的蔡琴與全新的蔡琴同時在這張力作中將「音樂」、將「愛」淋漓盡致傳達,再次讓全華人 聽出耳油。

Sunday, September 13, 2009


最近遇到了一些人和事... 突然觉得现在大多的年轻人非常的幸福,“好命”... 想做什么就做什么.. etc, etc... shall not elaborate.. =''=
"googled" abt it n it says 草莓族 is those born after 1981 (including 81).. which means i'm in it also.. hahahaaa i think the group should be categorise a few years later ba! -_-!!
well.. just hope that "they" (or everybody!) can treasure what they have.. n not take it for granted eh... yeh. it's a lesson for me too..

have some tots abt.. some other stuffs too... well, but...
lazy to write lah.. hahahaa

anyway, RazzlePlay will be performing at Yet's music concert party coming 20th sept.. it will be our first performance after the long "break" of full band setup..
some are some changes in the setup after the departure of v...
i have to say that it is really stressful on me now... but! yes.. i am not going to give up still... our work now might be kinda slow.. but rest assured... we are working on it! haaa...

INDIE Hooray !!! Music Concert Party 2009

YET & INDIE Friends Music Concert Party

Venue: Atrium, Level 1, MICA Building

Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Date: 20/09/2009

can approach me for tickets.. or email

visit for more information

Jiayou everybody!


Friday, September 04, 2009

舞出真我~Van Ness 吳建豪

2001年以「流星花園」一劇踏入演藝圈,並以F4成員身分正式出道的VanNess吳建豪,演藝足跡遍及台灣、香港、星馬、日 本等地;從一個在L.A長大的ABC男孩,搖身一變成為風靡全亞洲的超級巨星,在VanNess光鮮亮麗的外表下,背後所付出的 努力與代價,讓他換來今日在演藝事業上的非凡成就。邁入三十而立的VanNess,選擇從「心」出發,走過五光十色的演藝圈,經 歷無數名利誘惑與大起大...