Monday, October 20, 2008


met up with my ex-colleague, fellow sis in Christ, on thurs evening for dinner..
glad that we met up esp after so long.. come to think of it.. it's the first time we meet up for a "date" after i left my first job.. haa.. which is like.. more then 3 years ago!
so true that an encouraging friend is important in everybody's life..esp when life is full of ups and downs..
just a simple word or sentence, will be able to perk u up..
here's a bible verse she wrote down for me in the card.. hope to share with u also..
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22
"喜 乐 的 心 乃 是 良 药 ; 忧 伤 的 灵 使 骨 枯 乾 。" 箴 言 17: 22
hope that everybody will have a cheerful heart!

went for jamming session after that.. the same thurs night.. for 2 consecutive nights, we had jamming.. to prepare razzleplay's originals.. i would say.. we are progressing well!
thou the consecutive nights was rather tiring.. haa.. jiayou "razzleplayers"!

sat was a long day for me.. had lessons from 11am.. then rushed down to global sounds cafe for a perf for their 1 year anniversary.. didn't have time to eat lunch eh.. luckily had breakfast....
went back echo to put the guitar.. makan with wendy mama, mh and mund..b4 proceeding to Sandy Lam's concert!!
thanks to mi sis friend that we got the complimentary tics!
its really a great way to end a day man.. cos.. she is simply amazing!
she knows very much how to use her voice.. bring out her best..
if its not for the little hipcups... it would seems like the cd playing! better version of the cd version somemore!
not only her voice.. as a person.. i can hear from her music, tat she is always trying to improve herself..
trying out new styles.. new concepts... even dancing!
did i say she is amazing? queen of pop indeed!

found the concert clips on youtube!
i really like the first and last song on the clip!!

為你我受冷風吹 + Talk + 哭 + 走在大街的女子

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