Tuesday, May 22, 2007


i'm super packed this week... or this few wks..
involved in the renci vege food viesta performance on the 8th to 10th june..
and becos i'm going to church camp on the 31may to 2june.. and having performance on the 27 and 28may
i hav to arrange practice session with various grps this wk... plus.. i hav to prepare teaching materials.. hav to work.. prepare some syllabus for sch.. and! i should be going for an audition at china one soon.. hav to prepare for that also... argh..
its so late now.. i'm still doing the teaching materials for tml... -_-..
then then.. i'll be going over to echo to work during june.. so many things going on!

well, during my daily bread (i'm reading "our journey") on one of the days.. the Lord spoke to mi...
(read matthew 6:31-34) the message summarize tat we are sometimes overloaded, overextended, overcommitted and overblown.. We need to "clean out the garage", which is the matter of priorities. Its saying "no" to very good things, so you can say "yes" to better things...the last sentence(question) on the page hit me.. "Are you doing the right stuffs?"..

hmm.. i realli need to clear the clutter... pray for mi to learn to say "no" to some stuffs... and to know who to ask to help mi figure out what's clutter and what's not.. pray tat i must find time to read the bible and pray.. hav to get my priorities right..

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